Group Coaching Services Agreement


This Group Health and Wellness Coaching  Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is made  by and between Mastering Me, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company (“Coach”) and the  Client (“You” or “Your”) (individually a “Party” and together the “Parties”) and is effective as  of the date signed below. 

The Parties agrees as follows: 

Group Health and Wellness Coaching Services. 

1. The Coach will provide educational training to the Group via a virtual platform.  The training will consist of; 

You have agreed to participate in an Online Group Program, which shall consist of a set  number of Sessions for a determined amount of time as agreed upon in writing, such as six (6)  Sessions over six (6)  weeks and will focus on evidence-based  tools to manage Stress and Anxiety  (“Group Online Program”). 

b. Recording. You agree and understand each Session of the Group Online Program will be recorded and grant the Coach the right to record You participating in each session. At a minimum, unless granted further through a release, You consent to the Coach for  the use of Your name, image, likeness, and voice within the recordings for use by Your fellow Session participants only. You understand and agree the Coach owns all rights in and to such  recorded work, including rights granted by copyright laws.  

c. Missed Session. If You miss a Session for any reason, the Coach will provide  access to the recorded Session through a service platform. A missed Session will not be  rescheduled or carryover past the original Program term.

d. Recorded Session. You will not record, copy, duplicate, re-post, publish or  disseminate the same or any portion thereof by audio, video photographic or any other means,  any recorded Session from the Group Program within Your possession. 

e. Session Confidentiality. Confidentiality and privacy within the Session are a  shared responsibility of all participants and Coach. As a participant of the Group Program, You  understand everything said in the Group Program is confidential information. Further, You  agree to not disclose to anyone confidential information from the live Group sessions. Confidential  information includes, but is not limited to names, physical descriptions, biological information,  or health and wellness information and specifics to the content of interactions with other participants. 

f. Violations of Confidentiality. If You violate Group Program confidentiality,  You may be removed immediately and banned from any future Group Program Session or  activity. You will not have access to the recorded Session if You are banned due to a violation  of this Section. 

Scope of Services. 

1. This course teaches those suffering from anxiety and chronic stress what Your  sympathetic nervous system does when triggered. You will learn why this happens and identify  Your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors connected to it. You will be encouraged to practice  evidence-based tools, to manage daily stress and improve Your quality of life. 

2. No Guarantee. You recognize the Coach cannot guarantee results or any specific  outcomes from the Services. While the Coach is committed to assisting You achieve Your  goals, ultimately, Your involvement, based on Your interpretation of the information presented,  or engagement with the Services and the Coach affect the outcomes. You are solely responsible 

for any action taken based on Your interpretation of any information presented or engagement  with the Services and the Coach. 

3. Educational Purposes Only. You understand and acknowledge the Services are  educational and informational in nature. The Services are not meant to establish a patient-provider relationship, establish a standard of care or offer medical, dietary or therapeutic care,  advice, opinion, diagnosis or treatment. 

4. The Coach is not a medical physician or licensed mental health provider. Coach  is providing personal experience and coaching training in the Services provided. 

a. The Services are not intended to replace independent professional or  medical judgment. 

b. The Services are not intended to solicit patients and should not be relied  upon as medical, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind  or nature. 

c. The information provided through the Services should not be used for  diagnosing or treating any mental or physical health problem or disease. 

d. The Coach is not replacing care currently provided to You by other  licensed providers, such as Your current primary care physician or  

mental health professional. You should maintain a relationship with  a licensed provider who is available to provide emergent and urgent  care to You. 

Consent and Waiver. 

1. The client hereby consents and acknowledges that he or she may be sharing  personal information throughout the training process in order to meet his or her goals. The  decision to share personal information with the group is not required. It is solely the decision of  the Client whether or not to share personal information.  

2. The Client understands that the Group Sessions they have entered into are open  to the various participants and they hereby waive any rights to privacy for any type of information they voluntarily provide to the Group. They understand that the Group may be able to  identify who they are and  would be aware of who provided said information. Each member of the  Group Sessions also agrees to keep private any and all information provided in the Group  Sessions. However, all Parties understand that the Coach is not in control of a response or actions of the individuals outside of the Group Session. 

Client Responsibility for Self-Care. 

You are responsible for deciding if you can receive my Services safely and efficiently, taking into consideration any medication, care, treatment,  diagnoses, and assessments from Your licensed medical provider(s). 

1. You understand any inner-directed work or reflection can bring up distressing  feelings, images, thoughts, and behaviors. If You find You require additional services beyond  the scope of this Agreement, You agree to seek medical assistance or psychotherapy in Your  State of residence (such as a licensed medical doctor or licensed psychologist). 

2. If the Coach feels You require additional services beyond the scope of practice in  these Services, professional resources will be shared. The Services may be suspended or  terminated with a prorated refund, if that is in the best interest of the Client at the time.


You have the right to confidentiality and privacy by the Coach. 

1.  Confidentiality, Generally. The Coach will keep Your health information that you disclose in live sessions  private to the best of their  ability in a public forum.   Access to Your Information by Coach will be limited to the  minimum necessary for business purposes. Your information will be safely stored, safeguarded, and disposed of in accordance with the Coach’s internal policies. The  Coach is not responsible for unauthorized access of Your health information if You voluntarily  made Your health information available for viewing by third parties online (for example sharing on  social media).  

2. Business Confidentiality. The Coach’s Services, Program, original materials,  business information and materials used by the Coach with permission from the original author  or owner (collectively referred to as “Materials”) provided to You are for Your individual use  only and are a single-user license. Materials are copyrighted and shall remain the sole property  of the Coach or the original author or owner. You are not authorized to use any Materials for  Your business purposes. You may not sell or distribute Materials. You agree (1) to not infringe  on any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, (2) that the  Materials are confidential and proprietary and belong solely and exclusively to the Coach or the  original author or owner, and (3) not to disclose the Materials to any person or use it in any  manner other than in discussion with the Coach. Further, any violation of this Section is  grounds for the Coach’s request for injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations.

 Payment & Cost. 

1. The cost for the Group training will be shared with You in writing prior to the  beginning of Your Services. You will pay for Your Services via credit card in advance of  receiving any Services. Payment will be accepted through electronic services such as PayPal,  Stripe or Square. You are financially responsible for Your Services and agree to pay the charges incurred by working with the Coach.


1. Both Parties may terminate this Agreement at any time, for any reason upon written notice via email to the other Party. If this Agreement terminates prior to completion of  the scheduled Sessions, the Client will receive a prorated refund. 

General Provisions. 

a. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,  each of which will be deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one and the  same instrument. Facsimile, PDF, or electronic signatures will for all purposes have the same  force and effect as an original signature on this Agreement. 

b. Entire Agreement & Amendment. This Agreement constitutes the entire  Agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior Agreements, communications, and  writings, whether written or oral, between the Parties. The terms and conditions of this  Agreement may only be amended by mutual written agreement of the Parties. No other  modification, amendment or addition to this Agreement will be valid or enforceable unless in  writing and signed by the Parties. 

c. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed, construed, and enforced in  accordance with the substantive law of the State of Illinois, without regard to its choice of law  provision. 

d. Headings. The headings in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only  and under no circumstances should they be construed as being a substantive part of this  Agreement nor will they limit or otherwise affect the meaning thereof.

e. Interpretations and Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held  invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions and paragraphs will continue in full force  and effect and will be binding on the Parties. 

f. Waiver. The waiver by either Party of a breach or violation of any provision in  this Agreement will not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default  of a similar nature, or as a waiver of any such provisions, rights, or privileges. Failure to insist  upon full performance of the obligation or failure to exercise rights under this Agreement will  not constitute a waiver as to future defaults or exercise of rights. 

g. Nondiscrimination. The Parties agree in the performance of this Agreement they  will not discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or group of persons on the  grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or any other protected class in any matter  prohibited by federal or state laws.