I’m a wellness coach who specializes in anxiety and stress management.
I work with women who feel trapped by anxiety and want more from life — more opportunities, more peace, more confidence, more self-love, and more enjoyment!
My approach draws on my 15+ years of formal meditation practice and 16+ years of personal trauma recovery and resiliency experience. I focus on understanding my clients’ thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behavior patterns. This allows me to connect the physical reactions of stress to the mental and emotional conflict that they are experiencing. Once we have this “why” piece of the puzzle, you can process and move forward.
Kind words…
My Training
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach
Certification, Grief and Loss after Trauma, International Critical Incident Stress Management (ICISM)
Certified Field Trauma, Green Cross Academy of Traumatology (GCAT)
Certified Compassion Fatigue Facilitator, GCAT
Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator, GCAT
Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor, McLean Meditation Institute® SEED Meditation® method
Selected Workshops, Classes, and Conferences
Stress Response Management Workshop and keynote speaker for Project Management International, Inc., Canada
Keynote speaker for Mood Disorders Association, Manitoba, Canada
Stress Response Management™ First-year College Students, Monmouth College, Convocation
Stress Response Management™ Workshop, Thrive, #205 School District, Faculty Professional Development
Stress Response Management™ for Acute and Chronic Compassion Fatigue, Florida Mental Health Counselor Association, Annual Conference
Stress Response Management™ Workshops, Red Bud Hospital, Providers and Leadership Teams
Stress Response Management and Compassion Fatigue Workshops, Illinois Regional Office of Education
Stress Response Management and Compassion Fatigue Presentation, Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network
Mindfulness Practices, Galesburg Civic Art Center and American Cancer Society
Stress Response Management and Self-Care for Nursing Students, Carl Sandburg College
Stress Response Management Presentation, Carl Sandburg College, TRIO Program
Volunteer Compassion Fatigue Educator, GCAT, Paradise, CA 2018
My oy…
I love to travel because good food, diverse people, and old stuff make me happy, but it also allows me to be curious instead of afraid. I share this passion by facilitating international retreats just for women. We are able to enjoy new experiences in a supportive and fun space.
A participant who attended my retreat in Scotland told me, “I would’ve never had the guts to do this alone, and I would have regretted it on my deathbed.”
I hope you’ll join us on our next one!
Inverness, Scotland 2022